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Initiation of New Members

Send to the National Office:

1. Completed Initiation Report Form. Please double-check ALL information (spelling errors or incorrect information will lead to extra cost for the chapter.)

2. ONE check for the total amount ($45.00 per initiate)


General Information

Your representative on the Alpha Pi Mu Executive council is your Regional Vice President. You will find their contact information on the website under APM Regions, and you should work closely with them on issues of concern or just the routine business of your chapter.

If your chapter has a website address, please let us know so we can include them on our website.

Remember that graduate students and faculty should also be considered for membership.

APM graduation stoles can be ordered directly from Kalamazoo Regalia at

Alpha Pi Mu National Office
1309 Panorama Circle
Salem, VA 24153

APM Due Dates